Vibiemme Domobar Super Stainless Steel Coffee Machine with a Rotary Pump - this NEW MODEL is switchable between plumbed into the mains or water tank option.
Cafe quality coffee in the home.
Re-engineered heat exchange system for the NZ market
Exceptional build quality all in stainless steel, copper and brass.
Patented E61 Group Head design by Carlo Valente
Rotary Pump
Commercial steam pressure regulator.
Choice of plumbed or tanked in same machine
Incredible thermal stability to 10%of 1 degree-shot after shot.
Outsteams every espresso machine in its class.
As we believe with this machine you have the potential for a lifetime of espresso happiness we offer full training on this machine - purchase from us at Corporate Espresso - if you are in the Auckland area we will deliver, set up the machine/grinder and train you free of charge.